Conveniently located to serve Bellevue, WA

EMSculpt Neo

Serenity Rejuvenation Center PLLC, is a Medical Spa in Bellevue, WA with expertise in Aesthetic Laser Medicine & Surgery, Weight Loss, and PM & R.  Contact us today.


Serenity Rejuvenation Center is an expert provider of non-surgical body contouring with the best EMSculpt® Neo in Bellevue, WA. This remarkable device is FDA-approved to reduce body fat, tighten lax skin, and increase muscle definition. During EMSculpt sessions, muscles in treatment areas undergo a workout equivalent to 20,000 crunches or squats, offering the results potential of two years of a targeted daily workout.

What isEMSculpt Neo?

EMSculpt Neo is a state-of-the-art non-surgical body contouring device with adjustable settings for customized treatment sessions. The device platform combines high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy (HIFEM) to stimulate muscle contractions and radiofrequency (RF) energy to dissolve excess fat for natural elimination.

How DoesEMSculpt Neo Work?

EMSculpt Neo device applicator induces rapid and intense supramaximal muscle contractions with HIFEM, while RF energy comfortably heats fat cells causing them to break down and be naturally eliminated. This convergence of advanced technology offers transformative results by building and sculpting muscles and reducing excess fat in targeted areas.

Candidates forEMSculpt Neo

Candidates for EMSculpt include individuals seeking non-surgical body contouring and fat reduction in the abdomen, buttocks, arms, or thighs. While a treatment consultation is necessary to confirm compatibility, the combined benefits of a body mass index (BMI) ceiling of thirty-five and treatment without the need for anesthesia or downtime make this a compelling option for a wide range of candidates to consider.

What to ExpectDuring EMSculpt Neo

During an EMSculpt Neo session, patients can expect to feel intense muscle contractions in the treated area. These contractions are painless, and the sensations are well-tolerated. Sessions are typically 30 to 60 minutes in duration, making them convenient for individuals with busy routines.

Recovery andResults

EMSculpt Neo offers the advantage of recovery with no downtime, allowing patients the choice to return to daily activities immediately after treatment. Patients may experience some temporary muscle soreness that is equitable to a robust workout session. Noticeable results of increased muscle definition and fat reduction appear within a few weeks following treatment. Depending on individual patient goals a series of one to three sessions may be recommended to achieve the desired results.

Consultation forEMSculpt Neo

A consultation is the first step when contemplating a body contouring procedure. Our physician, Dr. Stephen O’Connell, will evaluate your health and medication history to ensure your compatibility and create a customized treatment plan. The doctor will ensure that any questions have been answered and that the results potential of EMSculpt aligns with your aesthetic goals.

How Much DoesEMSculpt Cost?

EMSculpt Neo sessions are customized to achieve individual goals, so the cost varies. The customized treatment plan created at your consultation will include detailed price information.

Contact Us toLearn More

Arrange a complimentary consultation at Serenity Rejuvenation Center today and get started on your path to a refined silhouette. Transformative body contouring without the expense and downtime of traditional surgery or liposuction can be achieved with our expertly customized EMSculpt Neo treatments in Seattle and Bellevue−contact us today!

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Dr. Stephen O’Connell has been practicing medicine since 2004. He founded Serenity Rejuvenation Center in 2010, from a vantage point steeped in academic excellence where the science of medicine, the experience of learning, and the art of caring inspired the creation of a concierge medical practice dedicated to aspiring individuals to strive for the best version of themselves in (form, function, and self-concept).

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